When you give to Christmas for Christ you are making a difference!

What is Christmas for Christ?

  • Support church planters.

    Christmas for Christ is an annual offering received during the Christmas season that supports church planters in North America.

  • Your church was once a church plant.

    Every church should set a special day to bring their best offering to Jesus. The official date is December 25, but can be altered according to the local need. Every pastor should promote this to their congregation at least three weeks before the offering date. One of the most effective ways is to show our Christmas for Christ stories. Another effective way is to use Christmas 'cards' for Christ. Find out more on our CFC Resource page.

  • Making a difference in Tennessee and North America.

    40% of the TN District's offering stays in the District and is used for promotions, funding, and allocations to church planters in the District. 60% is sent to church planters all over North America.

Austin, TX CFC Promo Video

Gaddy CFC Promo Video